Legal Notice, Liability
CW ADVISA Steuerberater
Schwanthalerstraße 9-11 80336 München Germany Bavaria DE
Professional title
The legal professional designation "Steuerberater" (tax adviser) was conferred in the Federal Republic of Germany. Licenses to exercise the profession were granted in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Supervisory authority for tax advisers
Federal Chamber of Tax Advisers
Corporation under public law
Nederlinger Straße 9
80638 Munich
+49 (89) 157 902-0
+49 (89) 157 902-19
Professional rules and regulations for tax advisers
- Steuerberatungsgesetz, StBerG (Tax Advice Act)
- Durchführungsverordnung zum Steuerberatungsgesetz, DVStB (Implementing Regulation for the Tax Advisory Act)
- Berufsordnung der Bundessteuerberaterkammer, BOStB (Professional Code of Conduct for the Federal Chamber of Tax Advisers)
- Steuerberatergebührenverordnung, StBGebV (Tax Consulting Fee Ordinance)
- Steuerberatervergütungsverordnung, StBVV (Tax Adviser Remuneration Regulation)
The laws, codes and regulations are available for perusal at
Informationspflicht nach § 36 VSBG
Gemäß § 36 Abs. 1 VSBG erklärt CW ADVISA Steuerberater ihre Bereitschaft zur Teilnahme an einer außergerichtlichen Streitschlichtung. Bei Streitigkeiten zwischen Steuerberatern und ihren Auftraggebern besteht auf Antrag die Möglichkeit der außergerichtlichen Streitschlichtung bei der regionalen Steuerberaterkammer München, Nederlinger Straße 9, 80638 München, gemäß § 76 Abs. 2 Nr. 3 StBerG.
Allgemeine Informationspflicht zur Online-Streitbeilegung nach der ODR-Verordnung
Wir sind verpflichtet, Sie über die Möglichkeiten der Online-Beilegung von verbraucherrechtlichen Streitigkeiten nach EU-Verordnung Nr. 524/2013 zu informieren und verweisen entsprechend mit der Bitte um Kenntnisnahme wie folgt:
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Diese Seite wird betrieben durch
CW ADVISA Steuerberater
Schwanthalerstraße 9-11 80336 München Bavaria
Verantwortlicher im Sinne des § 18 Absatz 2 Medienstaatsvertrag (MStV)
Dipl.-Kfm. Christoph Watzke
Schwanthalerstraße 9-11
80336 München
- Inhaber
Dipl.-Kfm. Christoph Watzke
- Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer
DE 157 144 475
Professional liability insurance
Professional activity is covered by professional liability insurance from Ergo Versicherungs AG, 40198 Düsseldorf, which is valid across the EU for the insured risk.
Basic orientation of the website
The information provided on this website is solely for general information purposes and does not constitute legal, tax or other specialised advice. The website contains non-political news relating to tax, social as well as economic law and primarily addresses the clients of our company.
Our goal is to provide information completely and accurately to the best of our knowledge and belief and to keep this information up to date. This notwithstanding, we accept no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage that may result from the use of the information provided - even if the loss or damage arises from the use of possibly incomplete and/or incorrect information.
We are not responsible for any referrals to third-party websites. Liability for the contents of the linked pages is hereby excluded, since we have no control of the contents and design of the linked pages. As a consequence, liability for the content of the pages to which the pages of this website are linked rests solely with the provider of such third-party websites – in no event does it rest with the party referring with a link to an external publication and contents. If linked pages (particularly as a result of a change to the content after the link has been established) contain illegal, incorrect, incomplete, offensive or immoral information and we become (are made) aware of such content on the linked pages, then we will cut any link to such pages without undue delay.
The content (text and images) of this website created directly by the author is copyrighted. The information provided is intended for personal use only. Any use of any of this website's content in violation of the provisions of the Copyright Act – in particular further use as in publications, copies as well as any form of commercial use and transmission to third parties – also in part or in processed form – without the author’s explicit approval is prohibited.
Information content
The information on this website is subject to change, removal or amendment without prior notice. The author can therefore not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, quality or up-to-dateness of the information provided.
Legal validity
By using this website, the user is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use set forth hereunder. These terms and conditions are part of the online presentation. If parts or individual formulations of the Terms and Conditions of Use do not comply, no longer comply or do not completely comply with current law, the content and validity of the remaining parts of the Terms and Conditions of Use shall remain unaffected.
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